Moving to North America
Have you decided to move to the United States, Canada, Mexico or another North-American country? You are in for an exciting and perhaps hectic time. You have to pack your belongings and get all kinds of documents in order. Fortunately, Mondial Movers International can take some of these concerns out of your hands.
In-house monthly groupage service to the east coast of America
You can deliver your goods to any of the twenty-seven Mondial Moves locations in the Netherlands. Contact us about the applicable conditions.
Mondial Movers International specialist for relocations to North America
Mondial Movers is a certified moving company. All twenty-seven locations in the Netherlands are affiliated with the Dutch Organisation of Certified Moving Companies (in Dutch: Organisatie van Erkende Verhuizers). On a global scale, Mondial Movers is part of a network of hundreds of certified moving companies.
You can therefore rest assured that your move is in excellent hands. All affiliated moving companies know the ins and outs of the applicable rules and regulations. There will be no nasty surprises waiting for you!
Business relocations to North America
Mondial Movers International is a global provider of moving services to far-off destinations for both private individuals and businesses. This creates various advantages for you:
- Global network
- Decades of experience
- Expertise and passion
- Very competitive rates
- Personal advice
- Also business removals
- Many extra possibilities
Simply moving your stuff is not enough. Perhaps you want to store your belongings temporarily. What if something happens along the way? Are you properly insured? We can take care of all of this for you. We are the only moving organisation to offer its clients an All-Risk Transport Insurance. We do everything we can to make sure your move proceeds without a hitch.
More information and proposal
We understand that you are looking for more information. After all, a relocation to North America is a serious undertaking. Every situation calls for a different approach. That is why you can contact us without any further obligation to receive personal advice and an answer to all your questions. You can also request a free quotation without any further obligation.
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